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My name is Cindy Jackson.  I live in London and this is my full time job.  I buy products at a low price and sell them for a higher price.  I do this either online or in shops and then send them to Amazon to sell for me.  This is called Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA).






I am here to document my experiences and help others who are just starting out on their Retail and Online Arbitrage Journey selling on Amazon.  Pop over to my Facebook Group community where we share tips and stories and solve problems.  If you are new to selling it is a great source of knowledge and hopefully some of you who are already experts will stick around for the friendships and conversation.


Before I started selling on Amazon, I shopped on Amazon….a lot.  In fact I shopped a lot everywhere, typing this now I realise I was probably a shopaholic, a bargain hunter;  

I enjoyed finding something for a good price and getting a deal.


  Selling on Amazon from the Beginning



Amazon is a brilliant platform to sell products on, but as most of us have found out, sometimes you may find yourself in a pickle when the Amazon Bots pick something up that they don't like about your account or one of your listings.

I recently changed from a professional individual account to a limited company and this triggered an issue on my account and I was deactivated.

Legally in the eyes of HMRC, I hadn't done anything wrong, but Amazon wanted to check that I was not a scammer and that my business was legitimate.

Luckily for me, I use a sourcing software called Buy Bot Pro which comes with an Amazon account insurance called Suspension Safeguard. They helped me get my account back and had Amazon done what they were supposed to it probably would have been much sooner than the 2 weeks it took. The advice and assistance I got from them were both speedy and extremely thorough, and the personalised Plan of action was nothing like what I would have written myself, they know what Amazon want to hear and it isn't always what you might think.

For the peace of mind of keeping your Amazon account safe, I can't recommend Suspension Safeguard enough.

In the end, I got an apology from Amazon and a statement that said if I thought they had done wrong I could go to the financial ombudsman. I decided against this as I didn't fancy ruffling any feathers at Amazon and dragging it out any longer. I was just happy to get my account reactivated.

It has made me realise that I have all my eggs in one basket (sorry for all the bird analogies but I think they are cracking 🐣) At least I can say it had a happy ending overall, and I have managed to add more listings to eBay, which is something I had been thinking about doing for a while.

Most people will at some point get a violation on their account. They can vary from just taking a Brand name out of the title of your listing, to the extreme of having your account deactivated and not be able to remove your products, or any of your money. These suspected or actual violations can come out of the blue, but sometimes we can get hints or clues that we might be heading for trouble.

As well as checking my account is still active every morning, and dispersing my money daily now, the screenshots below are also what I do every morning. It takes about 2 minutes to do, but your account health is something that you should try and be aware of.

  • Click on Performance - Account Health in Seller central - and do a quick scan to see if there are any new alerts in Customer Service Performance, Policy Compliance and Delivery Performance.

  • Don't forget to look down at the bottom right hand corner for any Product Compliance Requests.

  • If you have any Product compliance requests you can check how long you have to submit the requests here.

  • Performance - Voice of the customer - Keep an eye on this, as it can give you a heads up if there is a problem with one of your products. Too many Very Poor votes on a product can send it to stranded


I wanted to Share some of the Stumbling blocks that I’ve faced as a new seller, and how if you take them one by one they really aren't as scary as they can first seem.


The biggest Stumbling block you're going to face when selling on Amazon is yourself. Your doubts and fears and worries about stepping into a new world.

I have learnt not to compare myself to others, but use their celebrations and successes to realise what is possible if you put the work in, and use this as inspiration to carry on.


The selling website where you log in is called Seller Central.

When I first logged in and had a look round it felt like I had stepped into an airplane cockpit.

There are so many buttons and options and some which actually do the same thing, I wouldn’t say it's very user friendly for a new user.

I am still learning, and it does get easier.


Finding a product that gets you a profit can be tricky in the beginning. it can take a long time when you first start and this can really put people off. It feels like you're getting nowhere!

I would suggest getting a free trial of some kind of sourcing deal sheet or website. This will give you an idea of where to find deals and what products sell well. Check out my software review page to see what I use.


When you start looking at deals it may seem like you're gated in lots of products, There are still tons of products you can sell on Amazon until you’ve got ungated. So when you find something you can sell, concentrate on that item and try and find similar things until you are ungated in the other categories.


I have done quite a few free trials of different software. Deal sheets, Deal software, Amazon calculators that analyse deals. Repricing software and Sales and profit software. I am currently doing a review and recommendation of what I am currently using and why it works for me.

Don’t give up, ask for help.

What's been your biggest Stumbling Block?


I am usually a very positive type of person. A half full, look on the brightside, always find a silver lining kind of girl.

However the last week of 2020 sucked the life out of me and brought me to my knees when I caught Covid 19.

I'm not a tinfoil hat wearing anti vaxxer. All of my children have been fully Vac'ed up. From the moment they were born they had those needles stuck in them, and then every due vaccine after that. But when I heard that the new Covid vaccine was already being rolled out I did think, why not just give it to all the old and vulnerable people, and let the rest of us carry on with our normal lives.

I've changed my mind - take the vaccine - protect yourself. I have never felt so shit in my whole life. Not even after drinking a whole bottle of vodka with my best friend at about 15.

I am however thankful that Mother Nature decided not to try and kill off the children, who seem to have hardly been affected in our house. They only seemed to suffer with a headache and dizziness and a bit of a cough.

Ok enough of that 2020 bullshit, it's 2021 Thank God! time to celebrate new growth and exciting ventures!!

I look forward to growing my Amazon Business and hearing how you are growing yours too 💚

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